Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil

PIMS-CNRS Post-Doctoral Fellow

About me

I am a PIMS-CNRS post-doctoral fellow at the University of Regina working under the supervision of Karen Meagher. My current research is foccussed on Erdős-Ko-Rado types theorems for latin squares.

I am also finishing my PhD at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Mateja Šajna. My doctoral research was focussed on cycle decompositions of directed graphs. I also had the opportunity to conduct a seven-month research visit at Monash University in Melbourne Australia. At Monash University, I visited Daniel Horsley to collaborate. During my doctoral studies, I was funded by the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship Program. I also received the NSERC Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to fund my travels to Australia.

Research interest: Combinatorics, graph theory, cycle decompositions, and arrays.




  1. A. Lacaze-Masmonteil, Completing the solution of the directed Oberwolfach problem with cycles of uniform length, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 32 (2024), 5-30.


  1. D. Horsley and A. Lacaze-Masmonteil, Completing the solution of the directed Oberwolfach problem with two tables, submitted August 2024.

In Progress

  1. A. Lacaze-Masmonteil, Hamiltonian decompositions of the wreath product of some directed graphs.
  2. A. Lacaze-Masmonteil, Hamiltonian decompositions of the wreath product of two hamiltonian decomposable directed graphs.



  1. PIMS Emergent Research Seminar, Online, October 9th, 2024.
  2. Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar, Online, November 2024.
  3. BIRS Workshop - Movement and Symmetry in Graphs, Banff, AB, Canada, November 28th, 2024.
  4. Scientific Session on Design Theory and Graph Decompositions: 2024 Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, December 2024.

Past conferences

  1. Hamiltonian decompositions of the wreath product of two hamiltonian decomposable directed graphs, Women in Combinatorics Virtual Conference, Online, July 2024. Slides
  2. On the directed Oberwolfach problem with two tables, 45th Australasian Combinatorics Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, December 2023. Slides
  3. Resolution of the directed Oberwolfach problem with cycles of uniform length, 10th Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory: Combinatorial Designs and their Applications Mini Symposium, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, June 2023. Slides
  4. Resolution of the directed Oberwolfach problem with cycles of uniform length, Scientific Session on Design Theory and Graph Decompositions: 2023 Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting: Design Theory and Graph Decomposition Session, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2023.
  5. Resolution of the directed Oberwolfach problem with cycles of uniform length, 27th Ontario Combinatorics Workshop, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 2023.
  6. Resolvable directed cycle decompositions of the complete symmetric digraph, Scientific Session on Design Theory and Graph Decompositions: 2022 Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting: Design Theory and Graph Decomposition Session, St. John's, NL, Canada, June 2022. Slides
  7. Resolvable directed cycle decompositions of the complete symmetric digraph, 26th Ontario Combinatorics Workshop, Waterloo, ON, Canada, May 2022.


University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada

Fall 2024: MATH 122, Introduction to Linear Algebra 1 (55 students). Syllabus

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Winter 2023: MATH 1741, Introduction à l'Algèbre Linéaire (170 students). Syllabus