Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil

PIMS-CNRS Post-Doctoral Fellow

About me

I am a PIMS-CNRS post-doctoral fellow at the University of Regina working under the supervision of Karen Meagher. I am presently working on problems related to eigenvalues of certain Cayley graphs. In addition, I am also continuing my doctoral work on the directed Oberwolfach problem. Lastly, I have started to work on problems related to pursuit-evasion games and domination games played on graphs.

As a post-doc, I want to take the opportunity to collaborate with new people and work on new problems. Although I am not currently looking to start a new project, if you would like to discuss research, please feel free to contact me.

In Septembe 2024, I completed my PhD at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Mateja Šajna. The focus of my doctoral thesis was on cycle decompositions of directed graphs. My thesis received the University of Ottawa Department of Mathematics and Statistics PhD Thesis Award which was awarded to the best PhD thesis completed in 2024. I also visited Daniel Horsley to collaborate at Monash University in Melbourne Australia for a period of seven months. During my doctoral studies, I was funded by the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship Program. I also received the NSERC Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to fund my travels to Australia.

Research interests: Combinatorics, graph theory, cycle decompositions, and arrays.